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Vacancies at Chalmers University of Technology

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

PhD student position in Digital Health for Supporting Acute Incidents: The Biomedical signals and systems research group at the division of Signal processing and Biomedical engineering at the Department of Electrical Engineering is recruiting a qualified candidate for a PhD student position. Interested?

"We are an internationally renowned research group, focusing on research in the fields of Biomedical Engineering and Digital Health. This doctoral position is funded by the Kamprad Family Foundation  and is part of a strategic investment to develop and expand the Digital Health research and innovation activities at our department.

In this role you will join a research group that provides a stimulating, pleasant and flexible work environment for developing research and teaching, with a network reaching companies and health care representatives with special interest in Digital Health."

The society is in the beginning of a large transformation of healthcare where more and more care, acute and chronic, will be provided in individuals' homes - supported by mobile care teams and Digital Health in many facets. Another strong trend is precision health, where the goal is to tailor care and treatments to each individual at every moment utilizing as much available data and information as possible - no matter their source.

Read more at Chalmers